I am a Polish-German scholar living in Berlin with main research areas on gender, sexuality and queer studies, social movements, research of myths and discourses, post-structuralism, popular cultures and performance studies. After the studies of Social Sciences at Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg I gained my PhD at the Cultural Studies Department of the Europaean University Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder)/Germany. Currently I am a postdoctoral scholar and project manager working on my research project funded by DFG "Queering of gender, desire and local myths in the New Burlesque. The comparison of the burlesque scenes in New Orleans, Berlin and Warsaw” at the University Potsdam. Previously I was among others research associate at Loyola University and visiting postdoctoral scholar at Tulane University, both in New Orleans (USA) and also a lecturer at the European University Viadrina, the University of Potsdam and recently at the University of Vienna. In addition, I am also a curator (Certificate Curating University of the Arts, Berlin 2022).